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And young Marcus is the cheeky, short, smart-ass of the trio. Troye is dark and brooding, with long, lean limbs. Blond boy, Jack's as cute as a button with big, doleful, blue eyes. My eyes drifted hungrily from one scout to the next. It turns out that all three of them are pretty easy on the eye, so getting them to undress in front of me promised a few unexpected perks!

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And because I've got a bit of a penchant for bad boys, I promised to do just that. One of the other Scoutmasters told me to keep an eye on them, however, because they're known to be quite mischievous. I'm fairly new to the troop and our paths hadn't crossed too many times. I took them into my tent and instructed them to remove their shirts. I knew they would need a rest, but the most important thing was to get them out of their dirty uniforms and give them a few lessons in hand-washing clothes in the great outdoors! It's always a bit of a relief when they get back in one piece, but you also know they're gonna be buzzing on sugar or utterly exhausted because they spent the night telling ghost stories or convincing themselves they were about to be attacked by wild animals.Īll three of them certainly looked filthy and pretty disheveled. The three of them had been on an unsupervised, mini-expedition which had involved sleeping alone in a tent they'd pitched themselves. The boys got back to base camp in the middle of the afternoon. ScoutBoys - Troop Time - Chapter 15 After Camping

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